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//! This library provides a common interface for applications that want to talk to the Twizzler
//! kernel, and defines that interface for both applications and the kernel to follow. It's made of
//! several parts:
//! 1. The Runtime -- see [runtime].
//! 2. System Calls -- see [syscall] and [arch::syscall].
//! 3. Other Application-Kernel ABI definitions (e.g. pager queue entries).
//! # Should I use these APIs?
//! All of these interfaces are potentially unstable and should not be used directly by most
//! programs.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
pub mod arch;
extern crate alloc as rustc_alloc;
pub mod aux;
pub mod device;
pub mod kso;
pub mod marker;
pub mod meta;
pub mod object;
pub mod pager;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
pub mod runtime;
pub mod security;
pub mod slot;
pub mod syscall;
pub mod thread;
pub mod upcall;
unsafe fn internal_abort() -> ! {
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "runtime")] {
let runtime = twizzler_runtime_api::get_runtime();
} else {
fn print_err(err: &str) {
syscall::sys_kernel_console_write(err.as_bytes(), syscall::KernelConsoleWriteFlags::empty());
/// during runtime init, we need to call functions that might fail, but if they do so, we should
/// just abort. the standard unwrap() function for option will call panic, but we can't use that, as
/// the runtime init stuff runs before the panic runtime is ready.
fn internal_unwrap<T>(t: Option<T>, msg: &str) -> T {
if let Some(t) = t {
} else {
unsafe {
/// during runtime init, we need to call functions that might fail, but if they do so, we should
/// just abort. the standard unwrap() function for result will call panic, but we can't use that, as
/// the runtime init stuff runs before the panic runtime is ready.
fn internal_unwrap_result<T, E>(t: Result<T, E>, msg: &str) -> T {
if let Ok(t) = t {
} else {
unsafe {
extern crate test;
mod tester {
use crate::print_err;
fn test_bench(bench: &mut test::Bencher) {
bench.iter(|| {
for i in 0..10000 {